Diaper Program

Many families struggle to pay for food, rent, utilities, and transportation. One in three families cannot afford diapers. The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) do not cover diapers. According to the National Diaper Bank Network, one baby goes through six to ten disposable diapers daily, costing $70-80 monthly.
Catholic Charities is one of 10 local Agencies that benefit from a $1 million diaper grant—provided through the Central California Food Bank. Through this partnership, we can provide diapers to families with children between 0 and 5 every 30 days. Clients need to provide proof of identification for themselves, a form of identification for children, proof of address, and proof of income.
If you need diapers for your children, please visit us today.